Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sherman Tank Mech

Thought I would try my hand at drawing some vehicles....another will be on it's way


  1. Nice! Much more successful than the last lot.
    Only two comments;

    1. What sort of feeling should this mech engender in either another combatant or, more significantly, the viewer? Is it big, intimidating? Is it wee, cute and happy? Maybe bung a silhouette of a dude in there and give us a frame of reference.

    2. Even as a straight concept, but more so as an illustration, the composition (I hope you won't mind me saying) is a bit pinchy - it's not a production drawing, so open it up a bit more and let it breath - the design will only get easier to read with a bit more real-estate to lurk in.

    Nice nice nice - keep on with the old keeping-on

  2. Heya Chris,
    Very kewl concept of a US Sherman Crab-oidish tank. The reason I thought it was US because of the insignia and a crab with 4 legs. Will this be use for the population control of the Zombie Lunch Ladies in the near Future? They could be a real problem one of these days. LOL… Anywayz your art reminds me of the Ghost in the Shell Multi-ped Tanks: www.serenadawn.com/GITS-Vehicles.htm . Not sure where you got your influence from but keep up the nice vehicle designs.
    I can see a definite style you bring to your art. It has a cartoony and very thick structured feel. It looks somewhat consistent with your other art work you posted. You have an edgy children's Illustrative book style meant for Adults. A spirit of a fun fantasy and comedic morbid taste that I enjoy while looking at you Stuff. If you were to make an illustrated book or even a graphic novel with a story that you’re happy with, I would definitely pick it up as would many others. You should really get Christine, Max or even yourself to write up something you can play with. Who knows, if you release a book you may even get a following on your art and make some xtra mula.

    Look fwrd to more art...Have fun!!!

    Rho :D
